
It was a book I read as a child (Gods, Graves, and Scholars) that first ignited my passion for history and the belief that history could entertain as well as inform. Today I am a Fellow of the Society of American Archivists and, for eleven years, held the position of Director of the Division of Archives and History for the State of Georgia. My first book, Organizing Archival Records, was originally published by a small statewide publisher. It became popular enough to attract the attention of one of the nation’s largest historical organizations (the American Association for State and Local History), which purchased the rights and issued a second (and, soon, a third) edition under the AASLH imprint. My articles have appeared in peer-reviewed journals and in many professional and trade journals, including Government Technology and Public Management Magazine.

In recent years I have honed my nonfiction writing skills by writing fiction. One of my novels was an award winner in a national contest sponsored by the Maryland Writer’s Association. Various contest judges have noted my “outstanding characterization” and “excellent balance of narrative, dialogue, and description.” While nonfiction remains my focus, fiction contests and critiques have helped me develop what I hope is a more creative and engaging writing style. In 2010 I published the first in my Secrets From The Archives series, my ongoing attempt to tell accurate historical tales in a readable style.

David W. Carmicheal


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